Production Update for 0.7

First of all, howdy! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, I don't know what time it is but I wish you a great day! Well, I didn't intend to release a production update this time because, well, I didn't think I'd have much to say, but I've been spending my time during the course of making the project on certain things that I hope you'll appreciate of what I have to say... Well... Write

I mostly wanted to post another update to say that yes, I'm trying to sort out my bank account with PayPal to see if I can create a Patreon! Something I had previously shown no interest in, but more and more I've been able to finish the updates on time and have been working on the future ones. To be honest, I've got the next update done, just in case I need to give it a better beta test, since I've only been testing it while putting it together so there may or may not be an error or bug and the more I make, the more the beta test gets laborious on its own, "sisyphean" is hitting way to close home for my taste... So even if I've finished it won't be until recently that I'll be releasing the build. The 2-month timeline for each build helps me prepare for the next one and for things to come and even improve other aspects of what's already in the game

I've been working on the design of 5 characters (2 other versions of characters that already exist and 3 new ones) referring to the past of a certain wolf that I'm going to use in a distant-not-so-distant future. And a redesign of Luck, who is the most out of place of all the other characters as he was one of the first characters I had designed and I didn't have much of a basis. Before I even launched the first build he had already had 2 redesigns and now he's got another one that for the first time I feel satisfied redesigning him, I hope you all feel the same

On Patreon, I'll announce it when it launches, but it'll probably be just 1 tier, which gives you access to polls, the build 1 week before (I think it's more feasible now that I've got the hang of making the builds) and access to the development process, posting images of drafts or scrapped images.

I think that's more what I wanted to comment on, and also, the next Build is scheduled to come out on March 15°, so I'll wait for you in about 3 weeks! Thank you for reading to the end!

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39 days ago

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